Friday, September 20, 2013

Thursday, July 11, 2013

mumbling me

Assalamu alaikom :)
Ramadan Kareem
1st Ramadan in Malaysia

Tday, I m going to share with you how I save money everyday.
It is the easier thing to do.
I promise my self that all coins will be into my saving

So, the tip is :
On my purse there will total of RM1.00 of coins.
More than that will be in my savings.
Cant wait to count the money
In sha allah :)

Friday, June 21, 2013

my life.

Assalamu alaikom...

my life as a medical student  in Obsgynae posting, year 4

6.30 : bangun pagi, Fajr prayer, ready for ward round
7.15: cover patient (new patient who just admit this morning)
8.00- 10.00: ward round
10.00-12 noon: tutorial
1.00 : lunch break, Zohr prayer, sleep
3.30pm : wake up from sleep, revise case during morning ward round
4.45pm: asar prayer
5.00: check email/FB/chat
6.00pm: still online, dinner, make notes
7-9pm: ready for magreb prayer, take bath, isya prayer
9pm-11pm: study/revision
11-2am: study/case report/assignment/MCQ/essay

Sunday, April 21, 2013

i still miss the moment


make our parents happy in anything eventhough sometimes it means, hold whatever we want. It doesn't mean we not fully want that dream, but because our love is too much for them

just be patient and trust Allah for the best

make Istighfar

buat mcq- belek2 buku- pening kepala- jwab soalan mcq- hafal hafal- coffee indo perisa mint- chat dgn gp study- mcq- sakit kepala- mcq- salin jawapan- .....
Like ·  · Unfollow Post · 17 April at 00:12 near Kubang Kerian
  • Seen by 9
  • Maryam Jamilah Istighfarlah.

    Ada satu peristiwa yang berlaku pada diri Hasan al-Basri seperti diceritakan Imam Qurturbi.

    Dia menceritakan: “Seseorang telah mengadu mengenai kebuluran kepada Hasan al-Basri. Lalu apa kata Hasan al-Basri? Katanya: “Beristighfarlah mem
    ohon keampunan kepada Allah.” Demikian ringkas dan padat sahaja tip yang diberikan Hasan al-Basri kepada pengadu terbabit.

    Suatu ketika yang lain, Hasan didatangi seorang yang mengadu keadaan kemiskinannya. Sama seperti peristiwa pertama tadi, kali ini Hasan al-Basri juga mengatakan: “Beristighfarlah memohon keampunan kepada Allah.”

    Kemudian datang pula seorang lain dan berkata: “Doakanlah kepada Allah agar Dia mengurniakan anak kepadaku.” Seperti tadi juga, Hasan al-Basri meminta orang itu membaca istighfar sebagai jalan penyelesaiannya.

    Mengetahui perkara itu, sahabatnya bertanya: “Ramai yang datang mengadu hal kepadamu, namun kamu hanya menyuruh mereka beristighfar?”Dengan tenang Hasan menjawab: “Sama sekali aku tidak akan memberikan penyelesaian berdasarkan fikiranku sendiri. Tetapi sesungguhnya Allah pernah menegaskan dalam surah Nuh (ayat 10 hingga 12, maksudnya): “Sehingga aku berkata (kepada mereka): Mohonkanlah ampun kepada Tuhan kamu, sesungguhnya adalah Dia Maha Pengampun. Dia akan menghantarkan hujan lebat mencurah-curah kepada kamu. Dan Dia akan memberimu harta serta anak-pinak dan Dia akan mengadakan bagi kamu kebun-kebun serta mengadakan bagi kamu sungai-sungai.” Jadi, daripada kisah itu menjelaskan kepada kita amalan membaca istighfar akan membuka ruang kepada setiap Mukmin dalam usaha menyelesaikan masalah dalam kehidupan. Malah, ia menunjukkan bacaan istighfar bukan semata-mata untuk keampunan daripada Allah, tetapi juga satu jalan buat Mukmin memohon pertolongan-Nya.

the story of Missing Hijab

some du'a answered on the spot, some others on the other time (later time), some will be replaced with the best and the other du'a won't answered at all in dunya (maybe on the next 3lam in sha Allah) . I hope the best and trust Allah swt for everything
-The story of Missing Hijab - alhamdulillah the facebook 'eat' that post

Saturday, January 19, 2013

only when stress


the point is clear. I will only make a new post when I'm stress or bored. But as I will be in new posting , which  is Ophthalmology starting tomorrow, so I guess I have no chance to get stress as it is only 3 weeks and I hve many things to learn and revise within this period

I hope I can do very well in all postings and dont forget me in your du'a

But I promised myself, my parents and Allah swt that:
" at the end of oftal posting, I will become an ophthalmologist, Insha Allah"

so throughout this three week posting ,


Sunday, January 13, 2013

Du'a for moi


I m going to have an exam this week ;long case and MCQ . so please make du'a for me and my friends to pass this exam and succed .thanks adios


Thursday, January 10, 2013

I miss her


I miss her. I have one Iraqi doctor who is my hematology lecturer as well as ' auntie 'that I miss so much. I met her last year and get closed to her after talk personal thing with her. It was warm meeting and I love her , how she treats me, just like my close mom :) But after new semester I didnt have a chance to meet her, I have been busy to knock her door and say hi :( Well, actually I m a shy person, we are not too close but I am bit nervous with her as she said she can 'read' me :) Alhamdulillah, I met her this morning, and talk a bit and I m miss her eventho we did talk like 4-5 minutes . May Allah bless U ,..

Saturday, January 5, 2013



Teheeee :) . Aku memang teringin sangat nak tengok cerita ' How I Met Your MOther' sampailah satu hari tu aku copy semua cerita tu sampai season 7 ( the latest season 8 kot) drpada jiran sebelah bilik. .. well. mmg ketinggalan zaman sangat. cerita tu dah lama kot since2005, well do  I care? aku tak kesah pun. asalkan satu hari  mesti aku tengok,bagi yang tak tahu sitcom America ni memang quite famouslah kan. Cuma aku x pernah menyempat nak tengok. Tapi entah kenapalah, ( aku jrg tengok cerita) aku rasa sometimes budak medik perlu ada hiburan , tak dak lah serabut serabai kepala otak asik mengadap buku 24 jam sampai tension. so far , selepas seminggu aku ambil , dah tengok sampai season 3 !!! yuhhuuu, Best sangat sitkom ni, ni synopsis cerita ni dia  (drpada Mr wiki)

How I Met Your Mother (sometimes abbreviated as "HIMYM") is an American situation comedy (sitcom) that premiered on CBS on September 19, 2005. The show was created byCraig Thomas and Carter BaysHow I Met Your Mother is framed by the year 2030, when Ted Mosby (voiced by Bob Saget) gathers his daughter (Lyndsy Fonseca) and son (David Henrie) to tell them the story of how he met their mother. Flashback to where it begins in 2005 with Ted Mosby (Josh Radnor) as a single, 27-year-old architect living with his two best friends from Wesleyan UniversityMarshall Eriksen (Jason Segel), a law student, and Lily Aldrin (Alyson Hannigan), a kindergarten teacher, who have been dating for almost nine years when Marshall proposes. Their engagement causes Ted to think about finding his own soul mate, much to the disgust of his friend Barney Stinson (Neil Patrick Harris), a womanizer with an unnamed corporate job. And thus, Ted begins his search for his perfect mate, and meets Robin Scherbatsky (Cobie Smulders), whom he also befriends. The 100th episode of How I Met Your Mother aired on January 11, 2010. The series was renewed for a ninth season on December 21, 2012.[1]
  Dalam cerita ni, aku suka Ted n barney. Tp yg  Barney mmg kelaka habislah :)))) the rest pon ok, Robin yg comel, Lily yg girlish , Marshall yg .. entah ok lah..Tp aku tgk sbagai hiburan je, ada some quote yg best , mcm lesson yg kita boleh belajar cth dalam satu episode tu pasal 'Mistake' 
" kita x akan belajar kalo kita  x pnh buat mistake . we never realise our mistake until we make mistake then we know that the mistake is mistake " - ayat Lily berbelit2 tp ada je lesson yg kita boleh ambil
well... aku mmg suka sitkom english, the last aku tengok The Big bang theory - ex-roomate perkenalkan . best jugak, tp entah sebab pe aku delete yg tu ..sebab berat external disc aku..

ketahuilah, aku tgk lose focus ni hihi but Insha Allah everything will b alright


o Allah, I need you in my life


when i felt like a not-so-good-feeling this week, and I asked : WHy??? where is my friend? where is everyone when I need them the most. I m just alone and I found this 

I feel like , Alhamdulillah ! Allah swt with me for all these time, just I didnt realise
and I found this too


Aha, I feel like ooooooh why don't I just trust on ALlah these times 
I agree and I think sometimes, the problem we faced cant have solution on that particular time, but patient (sabr) and solat (du'a) help it most of the time.It works. but not in our time. it works on Allah's plan
Stau focus and be strong




Most of us may have something in mind regarding what we will be in 4-5 years later . ummm I do have , lot of them , what to achieve , my goals and everything but I don't know . I feel as if I just want to concentrate with what I;m doing right studying, enjoying my student time before it lasted and just happy with my life.

Sometimes, it is hard when you have like 1000000 wishes that we wnt to do and at that moment somehting happen and you feel that : okay , I m tired of all these and I 'm not going to dream about it anymore and i wanna focus only to my current condition. That's it.

Hmmm, ( take a breath). I feel like a loser. I have probably many dream to achieve in 5 years - but i think I m gonna sick about it , ( means i wanna to forget about it, not to carried away by that, and ok later i will start to think again.

but I promised to myself that I will do and stay focus on at least 5 things this year (insha allah)

1) Put priority on my study and graduate in time Insha ALlah - revise what I forget and practise it - try my best to become a competent muslima doctor
2) Spend my money eagerly, I shoud have  at least RM3000 to save this semester . it is COMPULSORYY!!!
3) No more shopping online unless it is something beneficial, no more branded oh lala stop it, it gonna kill you - branded things SUCKS
4) Keep my self away from facebook and twitter and others  social what not plasee
5) REad at least hadith, memorise new suraah , and revise everyday


so ...


so, when my head tired with study thingy, I ended up with doing medical speciality test online. Aha , these what I get:

2med oncology40
4radiation oncology38
8colon & rectal surgery36
12physical med & rehabilitation34
14preventive med34
16general surgery33
17occupational med33
19emergency med33
21allergy & immunology33
25nuclear med32
26aerospace med32
27plastic surgery31
29orthopaedic surgery31
30general internal med31
32family practice29
34infectious disease27
36thoracic surgery23

well, I always thinking to become a pediatrician but we will see. :)